Dangers of Detoxification


It should be said that young children, the elderly, the chronically sick, anyone suffering from a serious disease, anyone addicted to drugs or alcohol, and anyone who has been exposed to dangerous toxins should not attempt a detoxification program on their own, if at all. Detoxification should only be done with the close supervision of a professional health care provider who is familiar with detoxification methods.  

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should never detox for any reason.

If you're taking a PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION, ask your physician to monitor your progress in a detoxification progrram.  The good news is that the detox process may enhance your body's ability to metabolize the medication and you may soon require less.  But in the meantime, it's also possible that residues of medication you've taken previously are stored in your fat cells.  These residues could come back into circulation in your bloodstream during the detox process, causing strange sensations.  

In general, minor symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, queasiness and discomfort are to be expected in the first day or so of a detox  If symptoms become severe, don't hesitate to see a licensed health care professional, preferably one who is familiar with detoxification.  

In her excellent little book, Herbs for Detoxification, C. J. Poutinen offers these suggestions for nursing mothers, and mothers-to-be:  "...many of the guidelines suggested for the precleanse phase can be adopted during pregnancy with excellent results, especially the use of tonic root teas, raw fruit and vegetable juices, probiotic supplements such as acidophilus, the prebiotic foods that support beneficial bacteria, mineral-rich vegetable broths and dietary fiber.  Consult an experienced healthcare professional for assistance in modifying the precleanse diet for pregnancy and breastfeeding."